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Government to Accelerate Halal Certification of Food Product

Therefore, Sulsel Province will also facilitate halal certification of slaughterers.

Traders serve the buyers of chicken in the market (illustration
Antara/Syifa Yulinnas Traders serve the buyers of chicken in the market (illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAMUJU -- The provincial government of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) encourages the acceleration of halal certification for businesses with meat raw materials in order to fuel regional economic progress.

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The head of the Department of Holistic Food Crops and Animal Husbandry (DTPHP) of Sulbar Province Syamsul Ma'arif in Mamuju on Saturday (24/2/2024), said that he had coordinated with the Ministry of Sulbar, and Bank Indonesia (BI) Sulbar Representative in order to speed up animal raw business operators in obtaining halal certificates.

“Halal certification is very important for business operators, especially those who use animal-based business products to improve their business,” Syamsul said.

However, he said, of course poultry slaughterhouses (TPU) that until now did not have a halal certificate should also be encouraged. “TPU does not have a halal certificate as a result of the slaughterers of the animals it owns nor does it have a halal certificate (Juleha),” he said.

Therefore, the Sulbar Provincial Government will soon conduct technical guidance in cooperation with the Ministry of Sulbar and BI Sulbar. So that the julehas that exist in the Sulbar region have certificates entirely.

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“If Juleha has a halal certificate, business operators in Sulbar, which number thousands, will be able to have a halal certificate and their business will grow in the future,” Syamsul said.

He also said the government has obliged business operators who own and trade products throughout Indonesia to have halal certificates in accordance with Law No. 33 of 2014 on Halal Product Guarantee.

If the business operator does not have a halal certificate, it will be sanctioned in accordance with the applicable conditions. Sanctions are issued with written warnings, administrative fines, up to withdrawal of goods from circulation in accordance with the provisions contained in Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021 on the Organization of the Field of Halal Product Guarantee.

Thus, Sulbar Province collaborates with all parties so that all business operators choose halal certificates and can contribute to Sulbar's economic development.

sumber : ANTARA

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